22nd Shepherd’s Celebration

Join the Zion Church in honoring Apostle Joseph & Lady Jamiese Hamilton in the 22nd Shepherd’s Celebration! This will be an amazing celebration. We have some awesome speakers that will come to break the bread of life. Make plans to attend. See the flyer for details. If you have any...

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The Power of Intercession

Mark you calendars for this awesome time of intercession May 19th – 20th! You will truly be blessed of the Lord. If you have any questions, please feel free to message us. We look forward to seeing you there!! SHAKE THE CITY “And I sought for a man among them,...

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Women’s Conference 2017

We invite you to attend Women’s Conference 2017! This will be an exciting time of awesome praise and worship, great fellowship, and valuable information. You will be blessed tremendously. On Saturday, April 29th, 2017 we will have break out sessions. Our speakers are Co – Pastor Jackie McClain – Oxford, AL. Pastor...

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Shepherd’s Celebration

Join us as we help the Greater Kingdom Citadel celebrate Bishop W. Channing & Lady Alesha Jackson in the Shephard’s Celebration. Apostle Joseph Hamilton will bring the message on April 2, 2017 @5pm. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship. Travel with us!! For more information feel free to...

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